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Shop Local Saturday Gear & Beer!


Gear and Beer Shop Local Ad is posted!

The Henderson Daily Dispatch in conjunction with the City of Henderson is running an advertisement for local businesses. I think Downtown Development Commission organized it and paid for a chunk and then the Daily Dispatch sold us the ads. It looks like only 6 participated. Gear & Beer was one that did. I have enlarged my ad, because why not. Anyway here are the few that took part of the full page ad. The news paper had a ton of space to use and chose to make everyones ads teeny tiny and left a bunch of the page blank. Poor small town news papers. They are doing the best they can, but it is sad. Here are the 6 businesses that bought advertisements in todays paper.

p.s. The Christmas parade is Saturday Dec 4th at 4pm!

Quality Outdoor Clothes and Gear at Discount Prices Plus North Carolina Brewed Craft Beer!

Gear & Beer

234 S. Garnett Street

Henderson, NC 27536

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