Gear & Beer along with some friends have been going ducking crazy around NC. The store has bags of ducks ready for you to join the fun. We also have fun jeep badges to decorate your ride! Don't forget #HendoJeepJam! Downtown Henderson, Saturday Sept. 17th 3-8pm

You are invited the next Jeep Jam in downtown Henderson! Bring your Jeep to show off or come to get inspired on Garnett Street. All Jeep and 4 wheel drive lovers are welcome.
Currently on board:
Gear & Beer for North Carolina Craft Beer
Big Foot BBQ food truck
Boyd Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram
Awards from Bullock's Engraving
DJ at Emrose park
Mexican Food at Mazatlan
Parking will be in regular designated parking spots on Garnett Street starting in front of Beer & Gear and expanding to other blocks as spaces fill. Extra non-jeep parking is available behind Gear & Beer. Plenty of room for everyone.
234 S. Garnett Street Downtown Henderson, NC